Do The Movies Glamorize Drug Use?

The Movies And Drug Use
Drug use has gone from playful experimentation of the 1960’s to today’s rampant addictions. The question of whether movies glamorize drug use requires serious analyses. Objective views of drug use and popular movies produced don’t appear to glamorize drug use. In an perverse way, movies criminalize, rather than glamorize, drug use.

Movies in which drug use is part of the plot, show it as part of a violent, criminal world. The perversity in these plots may inadvertently portray drug use as a source of limitless wealth for the most impressionable and impoverished. In this way, movies may glamorize wealth connected to drug use. While drug use appears benign.

Objective Movie Ratings
Certain genres of movies consistently portray an ongoing battle between drug lords, victims of drug violence and flouting of laws. Avid movie goers may not find a steady diet of these films entertaining or enriching to their lives. Most of these movies are produced from low budgets and lack considerable film industry recognition for talent, work and creativity. Movie patrons are heavily influenced by objective movie ratings as a guide to their choices of movies.

Do Movies Influence Or Encourage Drug Use?
Since addictions are a matter of physical and pathological dependency, it’s unlikely movie plots based on drugs influence or encourage drug use. In certain movies, the evils of drug use is a main part of the movie’s plot which would seem to have the opposite effect on influence or encouragement. Speak to anyone who has done rehab los angeles and find out how many of them were inspired by the movies that glamorized drug use. These movies clearly portray drug users in a fairly accurate role. To movie viewers, drug use appears dangerous and has dire legal consequences.

Drug Gangs And The Movies
Curiousity is always a major reason for viewing a particular genre of film. Yet, curiousity doesn’t necessarily equate to glamorizing drug use. Today’s most current movies seem to revolve around drug gang activity, violence inherent to the drug industry and exploitation of gangs in prisons who carry out illegal drug activity from their prison cells. For rational movie viewers, these movies are a curiosity. For the more impressionable younger movie viewer, there may be an element of glamor.

Do The Movies Glamorize Drug Use?
The answer to the question, “Do The Movies Glamorize Drug Use?” is yes and no. Yes, movies that entice younger impressionable audiences to untold drug wealth do glamorize. For older, more discerning audiences of movie patrons, the answer is “No.”

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